Friday, 4 November 2011

Magazines Questionnaire.

1.What is the definition of Magazine? What is a magazine?
A Magazine is an occuring publication at regular intervals containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject.

2.What types/genres of magazines can you think of?
-Home and Garden
-Gossip Magazines
-Fashion Magazines

3.There are hundreds of different types of magazines but what are the common elements of all or most of them:
Latest articles
List of articles
Music Promotions

4.Why do you think we have magazines?
I think we have magazines for enteratainment and information. We like to be informed about trivial things such as celebrity lifestyles, so we can include it in conversation. Also we like to escape from our own 'boring' lives and read and think about other peoples intersting lives.

5.What kind of magazines are most popular within your year group andwhy do you think this is ?
I dont think magazines are popuar wihtin our year group because they cost money and at our age we have the internet for any information we want and need about what were interested in. We dont like to waste mney on magazines because we have technology now.

6.Can you think of one way you think Magazines will change in the next 50 years?
In the next 50 years magazines will probably become more political rather than trivial as we've seen this past year politics and life changes started to affect teenagers and young peopel rather than the older generation. Young people now want to get their voice heard and magazines will probably pick up on the fact that talking about justin bieber or beyocne doesnt interest us as much. Thus, meaning that magazines will probably become more serious and political.

7.Can you find 4 examples of magazines you have read or currently readand explain why you like them : (put their front cover pictures on your blog as well)
This question is not relevant to me as i do not read magazines. This is because i don't like wasting money on magazines because i can find all teh information i need on the internet free of charge.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Attack the Block Essay.

How Does Attack the Block Represent Young People